I think triple A video games are too focused on having realistic graphics.
I mean, yeah you want to the game to look nice, but there are more art styles
than semi realistic. Stylized graphics are pretty cool like Hi-Fi Rush,
Team Fortress 2, and Pokémon. Not only do they let the games stand-out from
each other they don't age like "realistic" graphics.
Consider the fact that Activision has to update Call of Duty's graphics every
year just keep up with other games. Meanwhile Team Fortress 2 has an art style
reminiscent of WW2 posters that remained unchanged for over 15 years and still
has an enormous player base. Also it shows a lot more personality than
Generic Military Shooter #91849. Speaking of military shooters, you might struggle
to tell the "realistic" shooters apart, while one look at more stylized games
can tell you what game your looking at.
What I'm trying to say is:
Realistic graphics are overrated, I'd like more Cool or Cartoony graphics.
I agree !!!